Well, it's been a couple of months! I was going to try and blog at least once a month, but I missed October! Here's a little catch up: School has been crazy busy! But, at least that makes the year go by quickly..(not that I want it to) Anyways, I turned another year older! 28! EEKK! My actual birth DAY was terrible! Paul was sick, I had to attend a workshop in Austin by myself, I got pulled over, and got a ticket on the way home! Did you know it is illegal to stay in the far left lane on the TOLL ROAD if you aren't passing? Yeah, me neither! Anywho....The rest of the week turned out great! I have great friends, family, and students that all made it special for me! Paul took me to the iPic movie theatre at The Domain. Let me just say, we don't go to the movies often, but from now on, we will patroning this place! It was amazing! Thanks Paul, you once again have spoiled me! But, isn't that what you promised my Daddy you would do? ;)
I was able to attend the Women of Faith Conference in San Antonio with my amazing mom and sister! We had a terrific time, and the Lord really spoke to me while I was there. He taught me to quit being so selfish! I realized this world is not about me! It is about Him, and doing things according to HIS will! Not mine! I'm going to be really, brutally honest here...that is what a blog is all about, right? Well, I don't know if anyone noticed, but I took about a three week hiatus from Facebook. I did this because I felt like this is what God wanted me to do. It seemed like every time I logged on, I was seeing things that made me jealous, made me doubt the Lord, made me worry, it made me have feelings I KNEW I shouldn't have had. So, I took a time-out so that I could focus on the things The Lord wanted me to see. He showed me many things in this short time. He showed me that HE is in control, that it's OK to have certain feelings, but not to dwell on them! It's OK to ASK Him for healing and help. That is exactly what I did! I laid it all out on the table, well, really the alter...literally! I surrendered to what God's will is for me, and if that means not having a baby of my own, I'm OK with that. We're not giving up! Paul and I both are looking to the Lord for what His will is in our lives. But, just like the song we sang at church yesterday, It Is Well. It is well with my soul. I do have faith however, that God does have the perfect Farmer baby just for us! He is just waiting for the exact, perfect moment to bless us! God's timing is perfect. That is so reassuring to me! I'm not perfect, I'm still a work in progress, but it's so comforting to know that the Lord hasn't given up on me, I'm NOT going to give up on Him!!!!
It is well, it is well with my soul!
The following video is one I found on YouTube. It is not a professional taping, and I have no credit to this video.